Here's How to Get Real Estate Leads from Contractor and Home Builder Shows

Getting Real Estate Leads from Contractor and Home Builder Shows during normal times is a great marketing strategy. 

Real Estate Leads from Contractor and Home Builder Shows

Some attendees might be looking for and/or considering pre built homes and are there to view new home floor plans and designs, while others are there to check out contractors to remodel or renovate.  Either way, home builder shows are a veritable gold mine of potential customers.

But the challenge is knowing how to take full advantage of them.  Here are a few thoughts about what you can do to get your share of them. 

First, get to know and partner up with only the most reputable contractors and home builders who are likely to be in the show, as their reputation will become yours if you work with them.

The obvious benefit to you is that those contractors will come to shows with their own following.  Their past, present and future customers are likely to flock more to their booths than to others.

Next, set-up a booth next to an affiliate home-builder if you can, but if you can't set one up where show attendees instinctively gather. 

Places that come to mind are rest break areas; food, beverage and refreshment areas; and finally main entrances and exit areas.  This will allow you better access to potential clients, thereby increasing your opportunities to collect information for follow up on their interests.

Make sure that you have your business cards ready during real estate home building shows.  But be sure to keep them ready for use in something that'll prevent them from getting bent, folded, wrinkled, dog eared, or torn. There's simply no point in giving a raggedy business card to a prospect looking for a half million dollar home. 

Finally, we get around to the best way to follow up on leads you get from the shows to convert them to paying customers, which is through the use of an auto-responder. 

Simply put, an auto responder is an email marketing service that enables you to automatically follow up with all of your leads with little effort.

Once you set it up you can simply drive your leads and prospects to it for automatic follow up, knowing that the more leads you drive to it the more sales you'll make.

Summarily, working Contractor and Home Building shows is an excellent marketing strategy and is a technique that can generate a lot of leads.  That's real estate speak for more listings, sales and commissions.

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That's it for now.  Here's to your Real Estate Marketing Success!

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