Landscape Advertising Post Cards

Landscape Advertising Post Cards. Whether you're new to landscaping or an already established business, you share something in common with all landscape professionals - you can use more customers. But how do you get them?

One way is to power up a direct mail campaign using landscape advertising post cards. With them you can increase web site traffic, test market new services, offer discounts to retain old customers and gain new ones, thank customers and follow up on services provided, and niche market to your targeted population for a lot less than other marketing strategies.

Post Cards Will Build Your Landscape Business ...

You have invested in the latest equipment to improve the landscaping of any new or existing home, but you need to attract new customers to show off your skills. Even advertising that you are the sole landscaper in your area with the knowledge and skill to implement green technologies in your landscape designs has yet to bring results. Where do you turn for help?

landscaping services: Marketing Your Business With Using Postcards

Posted by Landscaping at 1:48 AM | Thursday, January 5, 2012. By Adriana Noton. Have you ever received postcards from a friends on vacation with a beautiful photo of where they are with the message scrawled across the back, "Wish you ...

Tips for Cutting Costs with Direct Mail Postcard Printing | Business 2 ...

Direct mail postcards are still one of the most cost-effective methods of connecting with customers in a local geographic area. With even a small list of client names and addresses, you can send tailored postcards and keep your brand in front of potential customers.

Post Cards are in - GopherHaul Landscaping & Lawn Care ...

Post Cards are in is discussed at The GopherHaul Lawn Care Marketing Business Forum FAQ - Lawn Care Marketing & Post your marketing material for review! ... Lawn care is new for me, and I am sure there will be some challenges; the upside is I haven't started any advertising yet except for clients who I have delivered woodworking items to, I already have a few contracts subject to my having a look when the snow melts, orders for two baby barns and one ...

Landscaping is a seasonal business. Winter comes, and there's seemingly little need for your services. So why not work a new angle? Establish a niche? For example, why not promote the benefits of seasonal pre-planning while promoting your annualized business with postcards?

Why a niche market? Well, mainly because you can create opportunities where there's little competition in an otherwise crowded field, and you stand a better-than-average chance of dominating that market. Your niche could be

  • physician offices
  • strip malls
  • small shopping centers
  • new residential subdivisions
  • older established subdivisions
  • historical properties
  • charter schools
  • and so on

Summarily, it's best to choose one or two areas as a specialty rather than trying to pursue them all.

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