Expired Listings Scripts Are For Lazy Marketers... Like ME!

Generally, I'm a high energy guy, but confess to being a lazy marketer... and am not too proud to say it; but I mean lazy as in working smart, effective and strategically versus willy-nilly without a plan.

Prospect to Customer Process

My first venture as a strategic marketer resulted in an abundance of success, satisfaction and personal joy that I had never previously experienced as a real estate agent. Naturally inquisitive, I was always researching ideas that would:

  • attract leads that didn't cost a lot of money... and do it fast (when working on commissions you need to have some urgency in what you do, or you perish)
  • draw leads that weren't working with other agents (them working exclusively with me was the best situation, but I adapted to what I could get)
  • convert leads to paying customers 
  • and retain them for future marketing/business opportunities (repeat sales, referrals, references, etc.)

This started happening on a fairly regular occurring basis when I started fully understanding the power of Farming Expired Listings!

Expired Listing Letters

I began campaigning for Expired Listings mostly by mailing Expired Listing Letters a minimum of five days a week, and while mailing flyers and postcards were an option, mailing expired letters became my preferred way of sourcing them.

And the results were amazing.  After a month or so listings started trickling in, one to two per week, all from the letters I was mailing without. I went from being near broke and having to look for a paying job to an agent that vied as a top listing agent in my market!

Summarily, the reasons I find farming expired listings appealing include 1) owners are usually realtor friendly; 2) you know where and how to find them, 3) the process can be automated.

Expired Listing Letters, Postcards and Flyers

Special Note:Let me say this about postcards. Alhough I never did  a cost/benefit analysis comparing the effectiveness of postcards versus letters I can tell you that, generally speaking, Postcard Marketing can be more effective than letter campaigns because their messages can be seen and read when people open up their mail boxes.  Still I preferred the process of preparing and sending letters.

Expired Listings Systems

If you need a surge of business you should seriously consider the system below.  It's a high impact method of converting expireds to new listings and is one of the best ways to generate a renewable source of listings. Click here to read more.

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