Real Estate Marketing Book

real estate marketing book

Reading Real Estate Marketing Books should be a fundamental element of your overall marketing strategy, as is having a traffic-generating real estate website. Why? Because to maximize your income, you need to know how to be a good marketer who can find leads and close deals. And learning from the success of others can amplify your success!

And what better way to learn about real estate marketing than through books written for that specific purpose?

Some real estate agents are natural-born marketers and can sell ice cream in snow storms. But if you’re not quite that gifted, as most of us aren’t, a real estate marketing book is a logical place to begin to get the knowledge you need to become an effective marketer.

The best real estate marketing book I ever read had absolutely nothing to do with real estate marketing. Instead, it was about affiliate marketing. I learned, for example, that many salespeople need to be more effective marketers because they focus on getting quick sales rather than building relationships to list and sell properties.

But we know that selling is primarily about relationships. If a person knows and likes you, they’ll do business with you. They won't do business with you if they think you’re "working them," or disrust you for any reason. Instead, they’ll go around you and purchase what you were trying to sell them from someone else.

As I said, the book was about affiliate marketing. However, it won’t take but a minute or two to realize how applicable it is to real estate. You can get a FREE Copy right here!

Another real estate marketing book worth checking out is about farming expired listings. I’m a little biased because I wrote it, but if you’ve ever thought about farming expired listings it’s a premium resource. It even comes with expired listing letters, FSBO letters, and more; 9 letters, plus a listing log and marketing update report.

Below are several more real estate books worth adding to your "must-read" list. Not all of them are about marketing, but all can help you make money; as a Realtor or investor.

Build Massive Wealth In Real Estate Foreclosures: A simple, yet powerful and proven formula that will grab you by the hand and walk you step by step to your real estate fortunes.

Find and Assign Fixer Uppers: Make money finding and assigning fixer uppers without cash, credit or risk. This is a cash flow generating opportunity that complements your real estate sales career like a hand and glove.

Make Real Estate Investments with IRAs: Use "Tax-free" or "Tax-deferred" Money in Your "Self-directed" IRA, Roth, or other Retirement Plan to Buy Investment Property. Robert G. Allen's Challenge

#1 New York Times Bestselling Author Needs Your Success Story. It's Robert Allen - what else do I need to say?

Buy Real Estate Wiith No Money Down

no money down real estate marketing book

In closing, make Real Estate Marketing Books a staple of your real estate marketing plan and watch your business soar. A book a month can be a prescription for a long and prosperous future.

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