Expired Listings Mastery for
Market Domination

Expired ListingsLetters To Expired Listings

Why Farm Expired Listings? Because with listings, you can have your cake and eat it, too! Potentially, you can double your earnings in one fell swoop when you get the fees as a listing agent, and if you're fortunate enough to sell it yourself, you'll earn the fee for selling them, too! And with scores of "For Sale" signs gracing your listed homes, complete with your name riders, you'll be a recognizable figure to every passerby, property owner, renter, visitor, and investor in the neighborhoods where your signs proudly stand. This visibility will establish you as a go-to agent. And when that transformation occurs, your sales and commissions will skyrocket to new heights with no end in sight!

Expired Listing SystemDominating Expireds requires the right balance of aptitude and attitude.

Dominate Your Market With An Expired Listing System 

Most Agents Intuitively Know  Expired Listing Systems Can Help Them Succeed. Still, few do anything about it and ultimately fail to generate enough commissions to sustain their careers. The good news is that an Expired Listing System is a great way to compete with any agent - even those who may be more outgoing and aggressive by nature than you are! Those who "get it" and do something about it prosper. The others don't - it's that simple!

Farming Expired Listings is a fast way to elevate your visibility and status in your community as a successful agent. But let’s be clear... it requires consistency and commitment to get good results farming expireds, like mailing expired listing letters 5 to 6 days a week! Still, knowing what to do and doing it well are two different things. Someone can tell you what to do to be successful, but you have to do something about it to reap its benefits! Consequently, agents with sound systems (letters, postcards, flyers, and scripts) prosper while those with poor follow-through and ineffective processes lag - and many go on to drop out and retire their licenses, a fate we all want to avoid.

Good Expired Listing Scripts are an agent's best asset when farming expireds! They tell them what to say, and sometimes even when and how to say it! They can give you a sense of when to be quiet and let expired listing homeowners talk, a skill that can result in getting the desired outcome you want - which should be setting an appointment to take a listing versus one to make a listing presentation! It's essential to understand that there's a significant difference between making an appointment to take a listing versus making an appointment to give a presentation. Our letters and scripts will get you the former, while others might get you the latter.  Which would you rather have?

Timing Is The Magic with Expired Listings

When Mailing Letters To Expired Listings, timing is everything! An unwavering commitment to sending letters precisely when those listings expire will get your message in front of owners fast, and your actions can make a significant difference in the lives of these homeowners. And with expired listings, the early birds get the worms! You should mail your letters five to seven days a week so that you're typically mailing them the day the listings expire! In some cases, homeowners of expired listings might not even be aware that their listings have lapsed, and your letter might be the very first indication of this. Consequently, guess who they might think is hot stuff?!

Some Expired Listing Letter Systems include a Marketing Update Report. You can maximize its use by keeping one for each of your listings readily available (on your desk, laptop, or tablet) to make real-time notes about your marketing efforts and then send them to your clients at the end of the week. Your clients will love you for it! Informed Clients Are Happy Clients, and when it comes time to relist an unsold, expired listing with you, they'll be informed in advance and have a positive frame of mind about relisting because they'll have a physical record of how much effort you put into selling their homes.

Are you using anything like this right now? You should if you like the idea of converting two plus expired listings a week to new listings, like I did. 

It's Undeniable! Expired Listing Prospects Are Untapped Potential For Real Estate Marketing Success. Often described as the "Cat's Meow" in real estate, they are, without a doubt, considered the ultimate triumph in real estate leads. But what sets them apart from FSBOs, Absentee Property Owners, and other leads? I can tell you here, in a word or two, but that would not help you understand what you need to know.

A Word of Advice About Listing Management

Do You Currently Have Listings? Don't Let Them Expire! Embarrassingly, I  let some of my listings expire when I was an active agent without prior conversation about them with my clients! Admittedly, it was unflattering and unprofessional, and I committed to doing and being better than that! So, I created a form to record my activities spent marketing my listings weekly, making it super fast and easy to report my efforts to my clients! 

The form, which I called a Marketing Update Report, reflected some of the following activities: 

  • Advertised the home last week (How? Mail, Email, facebook, etc.)
  • Held an Open House 
  • Hosting an Agent Tour of the Home
  • Hosted an Office Caravan Where Company Agents Toured the Home
  • Made and Circulated Letters, Flyers, or Postcards
  • Informed Top Producing Agents of The Listing via Personal Flyers to Them
  • Showed The Home To Prospective Buyers
    Showed The Home To Agents Representing Potential Buyers
  • Reviewed the Status of the Home with the Owner; Price, Terms, and Conditions
  • Made Recommendations
  • Implemented Recommendations

The short of it is this. Who thinks to share all the daily things one does to market a home?  And the more considerable downside is who remembers all that was done at the end of a month? Agents market their listings in many ways, but even the best ones sometimes need to better communicate to owners all they've done and are doing to sell their properties.

"Farm Expired Listings for Big Commissions" is an article I wrote some years ago that gained extensive distribution. It sheds light on the straightforward but often overlooked tactic of farming expired listings to earn significant commissions and generate valuable leads. By adopting the principles and putting the ideas into practice as detailed, you can expect a marked increase in your business activity: more leads, listings, and sales! 

Recommendation! Farming Expired Listings Letter System - It includes Letters, a Script, & More

expired listing letters, real estate marketing

There's no easier way to start marketing Expired Listings than with a proven letter marketing system. I converted two plus expireds a week to new listings with this one. The letters are ready for immediate download and use and can be used exactly as they are when you receive them.  Plus, they come with a money-back satisfaction guarantee - so you have absolutely nothing to lose... but a lot to gain! You can read more about it here >>>

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Would You Be Interested In a Two-Step Plan for Expired Listing Success? Then smarten up! There’s hardly a day that goes by where listings don’t expire. Sometimes, they’re so plentiful you can cherry-pick the good ones and leave the undesirable ones (overpriced, unreasonable seller expectations, etc.) to others. Perfect for New Real Estate Agent Marketing, it’s also an effective strategy for Veteran Agents to increase their success! 

Expired Listing Leads. Transforming expired listing leads into new listings is challenging, but the financial rewards are substantial. It necessitates the use of intelligent strategies and a never-give-up attitude. Here's an article that will guide you through time-tested methods to transform expired listing leads and help you convert them into financial gains.

Expired Listing Letter. Expired Listing Success comes to those who put forth the time, effort, and investment required to become successful real estate marketers.  It’s made easier with a foundation of a proven Expired Listing Letter System, an effective Expired Listing Script, and collateral documents and forms that convert sellers to clients when they call you!    

Expired Listing Letter Campaigns. Converting expireds to new listings by writing and mailing letters is exhilarating. Good letters go beyond a typical pitch. They initiate conversations where realtors assess the unique challenges, present customized plans, and demonstrate commitment that sets them apart from other agents. It's about transforming missed opportunities into success stories, one letter at a time.

Mailing Real Estate Expired Listing Postcards Is High IQ Stuff. With 98% of Americans checking their mailboxes daily, direct mail emerges as a potent force, flaunting a response rate 750% superior to its email counterpart. Take your expired listing marketing to new heights by infusing it with personalization, sparking a notable 135% surge in responses. Incorporating personal photos adds a touch of personality and distinguishes you from the competition. And there's more.

New Agents Can Achieve Expired Real Estate Listing Success, Too!  Farming Expire Listings is the perfect strategy for marketing yourself in real estate. It offers a disciplined, proven approach to real estate success by breathing new life into properties that may not have found their perfect match yet. It's about understanding the nuances, reevaluating the marketing strategy, and approaching the sale with a fresh perspective. Pre-written letters can be a foundation for expiry domination.

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That's it for right now!  Here's To Your Real Estate Marketing Success!

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