Foreclosure Self-Defense for Dummies

by T. Renee Perry

Facing foreclosure does not have to be end of the world. You can save your home, protect your family and re-establish your credit!

First, you have to lay aside some of the guilt. Stop trying to assume all the blame and worrying about why this is happening to you. Wallowing won't improve your situation. Instead, resolve to fight the foreclosure, defend your stability and home.

Foreclosure Self-Defense For Dummies delivers the knowledge, strategies, and tactics you’ll need to get back in control of your situation and achieve the best possible outcome.

Voted 4 out of 5 stars by Amazon customers, this is a practical, no-nonsense read that can help
even a novice of the field access your options and increase your chances of saving your home.

The guide specifically discusses how to: regain your emotional composure, confront your foreclosure head-on, protect your rights, assess your situation and properly weigh your options, get in touch with the right people who can be the most help to you, stop the financial bleeding, team up with your lender to find solutions, work out a refinancing deal with another lender, avoid quick-fix schemes and scams, recover from foreclosure and even re-establish your credit.

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