How To Get Real Estate
Expired Listing Leads

how to get real estate expired listing leads

Real Estate Expired Listing Leads represent a golden opportunity for real estate agents, with the potential for significant financial gains. With the national average home price in 2022 at $398,500, according to, it's no secret why so many people are getting licensed as real estate agents. The prospect of earning substantial commissions from these sales is truly exciting!

For example, assuming a 6% commission on a $400,000 sale, the fee would be $24,000. I'm tempted to come out of retirement for that kind of money! However, being licensed is only the first step in earning paydays like that, as more and more people are getting licensed to cash in on the opportunities. Like converting them from leads to listings and sales!

Jumpstart Your Sales:
Convert Expired Listings with Ease

Converting expired listings to new listings is like most other things. The right tools, such as a comprehensive real estate listing system, are crucial to do the job effectively. With these tools, you can save time and vast sums of money.

Owners of expired listings are as close to a captive audience as you're going to get in real estate. Many still want to sell their properties and may be tired of being stuck. Stuck with bad tenants, double mortgages, and property taxes, they'd hoped to avoid having to pay.

Sure, some change their minds and decide not to sell. But many are still primed to relist again and are waiting for the right Realtor with the right approach. That can be you as quickly as anybody else. But you have to come prepared or don't come at all.

With so much at stake and money to earn, do yourself a favor and get a real estate listing system. Even as you read this, agents with systems are getting listings. What's that phrase again? He who hesitates loses!

Without a system, you might be just another person who tried and failed. But with one, you can become an impact player and make a good living doing what you want.

To remind you, owners of expired listings have a problem you can help resolve. But to get their business, you must come with your 'A' game. This means being prepared, professional, and empathetic. Understand their situation, offer solutions, and show them why you're the best choice to help them sell their property. With the right approach, you can feel empowered to make a significant impact in their lives.

If you're considering a real estate listing system, the potential financial gains should be a compelling reason to invest. The relatively few dollars you spend now will be returned a thousand times over and may prove to be one of the best investments you ever made.

Farming Real Estate Expired Listing Leads
is Like Putting Money in The Bank 

Top-producing real estate agents have lots of listings. And although getting a lot of them is easier said than done, it's imminently more doable with a sound expired listing system.

With listings, you triple your chances of earning commissions and bonuses. When the listings sell, you'll be paid a listing fee, a sales fee, or both. Conversely, if you don't have listings, you'll only get paid when you sell a property.

A lead generation system that works to near perfection focuses on Expired Real Estate Listings, which are a great source of leads. You don't have to spend much time or money prospecting for them, as they're always just a few keystrokes away.

Go ahead; let's try it right now! Log onto your Multiple Listing System service, print out an update report, and bam! In seconds, you'll have a complete update of all the expired listings for any time frame you want.

The MLS update report will give you everything you need to know to relist expired real estate listings. You can get the seller's name, mailing address, property address, phone number, type of property, current asking price, price reductions during the listing period, how much the taxes are, and anything else that you even think you might want to know about these properties.

Unlike FSBOs, cold calls, and other lead-generating systems, expired listing owners are typically always warm, responsive prospects. They generally are still realtor-friendly and open to doing business with a real estate agent.


So, now you know where to find expired real estate listing leads for, and some insight on the importance of converting them, lets take a look at a proven letter set system.

Recommendation for
Real Estate Expired Listing Leads System

expired listing letters

"The other day, I read an Expired Listing System Workshop ad that made me chuckle. It promoted the idea that it could help agents generate 1-2 monthly listings! I, on the other hand,  generated 2 Plus Listings a WEEK with my letters! I'm still chuckling about it!" You can click here to learn more about it! Lanard Perry

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