Real Estate Marketing Tip #5; Start A Real Estate Newsletter

by Lanard Perry

Real Estate Newsletters

Real Estate Newsletters

This is the 5th of a growing list of Real Estate Marketing Tips to grow your business and increase your marketing success. Today, we're diving into the powerful tool of Real Estate Newsletters, a strategy that can significantly boost your business and connect with your audience.

Newsletters In a Box

If you've researched "real estate newsletters," you know that companies offer pre-printed ones that are completely done for you for a fee, in both paper and electronic versions. One that came across my radar while preparing to write this article offers a free guide that explains in great detail some of the many reasons you should be marketing your services via newsletters. It's full of useful information! You can click here for more about it.

If you have money to spare, subscribe to a paid service. You'll get professionally designed newsletters with lots of eye appeal... stress-free!

You Can Do It Yourself, Too!

As a proponent of simplicity and affordability, I've found a low-budget yet practical approach to creating newsletters. I prepare my newsletters using prewritten real estate website content articles, proving that effective marketing doesn't have to break the bank.

you can click here to learn more about them.

While my newsletters may not boast the same visual appeal as those created by expensive services, they are highly effective in generating leads and establishing trust and rapport with my subscribers. This effectiveness is what matters most in the end.

For example, my target audience includes real estate agents, investors, buyers, sellers, mortgage brokers, and bankers. I have over 3000 subscribers. I could tell you the exact number, but not breaking my writing flow is more to me now than looking it up.

While reaching over 3000 subscribers like me may not be your immediate goal, signing up a couple of hundred of them, including both buyers and sellers, is a realistic and achievable target that can significantly boost your business.

Getting the Most out of Your Newsletters

But let's get back on point. Here are some things you should do to get the most out of your newsletters.

1. Collect links to sites offering interesting and helpful information and include them in your newsletters. Providing valuable resources from reputable sources will keep your audience engaged and informed. Remember, writing is about expressing yourself, not impressing others.

3. Hire ghostwriters when your brain freezes up, and you can't think of one good thing to say. Sometimes, a fresh perspective is all you need to breathe life into your marketing.

4. Use an autoresponder service to automatically deliver your newsletters and sign-up subscribers. Automating the delivery of newsletters through an autoresponder service ensures timely distribution and efficient sign-up management for subscribers.

5. Market your newsletter by distributing flyers, placing sign-up forms on your website pages, and offering giveaways to encourage sign-ups. Remember, the key to successful newsletter marketing is to engage your audience and provide value that makes them eager to subscribe.

Wrapping Things Up

Having a Real Estate Newsletter can help you establish credibility, give you a tool to provide valuable information, and attract and keep potential clients engaged. Over time, it can lead to increased brand recognition, a more extensive network, and, ultimately, more successful real estate transactions. Therefore, real estate professionals can benefit by investing, creating, and sharing informative and engaging newsletters to foster client relationships and drive business growth.

That's it for now. Talk to you the next time.
Here's a tip of the hat to real estate marketing success!
Lanard Perry

*Please feel free to call anytime about anything!

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