Why Mailing Real Estate Marketing Letters Are Still Awesome Lead Generators

Mailing Real Estate Marketing Letters is one of the best, most focused, results-oriented strategies to generate prospects, leads, listings, and sales an agent can do!

Expired Listing LettersExpired Listing Letters
FSBO LettersFSBO Letters
Power Real Estate LettersPower Real Estate Letters

Aside from being an easy marketing strategy to execute daily, it will leave you with a sense that the time spent doing it was satisfyingly productive.  Plus, it’s a practical activity that's easy to sustain spanning a career. 

If you can mail letters, you can get listings - and if you get enough of them, it’s almost guaranteed that you’ll sell something to somebody, which creates the potential to make sales and get new listings on a routine basis!  

Still, many agents don’t promote their products and services via real estate letter marketing campaigns. I'm not sure why, but their loss is your gain, as you’ll have less competition for the prospects and leads you generate via mailing letters.

Wasting Time & Money While Working Hard

real estate marketing letters

If you're not marketing your services via letter campaigns, you may be wasting a lot of time while depleting your bank account. On the other hand, by mailing letters, you can have meaningful contact with 10-20 people a day in an hour or less!

However, before you get too excited, it's important to highlight what should be obvious. Some letters sold on the internet may not be worth your time or money, as they can hurt your success through lost time and commissions and damage your reputation.

Take some of the FREE ones, for example.  Although they are readily available, do you really want the measure of your career to be based on letters whose success rates are unknown? While I hope not, some agents will do just that, just as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow morning.

Fortunately, there are some excellent pre-written real estate letters available at reasonable cost, ones that are time-tested and proven to be effective... wherever they are used!

And as you might imagine, the better ones generate a steady stream of warm, responsive prospects month after month, all interested in listing, buying, and selling real estate.

Use Real Estate Marketing Letters
To Generate Leads

real estate leads

If you're a new agent, you can use Real Estate Marketing Letters to get off to a good start. You can target time.  On the other hand, if you've been licensed for a while but don't have the volume of business you want, an expired real estate listing campaign can supercharge your marketing results.

Proven letters are making many an agent happy.  By design, their carefully considered words and phrases, coupled with compelling calls to action, leverage the most desired responses, whether it’s having readers calling to make appointments to see a home or emailing you requesting buyer and seller reports that serve the purpose of filling or replenishing your lead funnel.  

“New School” Automated Real Estate Marketing Systems, like Call Back Services, Autoresponders, Facebook, Twitter, and the like, are popular for good reasons.  All can be highly effective when implemented well, but each has a unique learning curve to concur before it ramps up to full-throttle effectiveness!

On the other hand, letters are low-tech with no learning curve involved. Usually, it’s a matter of personalizing the letters and mailing them to the recipients. Consequently, mailing letters is the bread and butter of the real estate industry, and many agents have had long, successful careers because of them.  Show me a successful agent, and I'll show you one who mails real estate marketing letters.

Real Estate Marketing Letter Campaigns

Real Estate Marketing Letter Campaigns

Mailing letters during holidays and special occasions is a great way to grow your business. Through these mailings, you'll eventually become like family - and in case you don’t already know it - selling real estate is all about having relationships with people. 

When buyers and sellers know and trust you, they’ll do business with you... and when they don’t, they’ll seek out someone they know and trust enough to assist them with transacting one of the most significant transactions they’re likely to have in their lives.   

So, send prospects and clients letters during these times, preferably ones befitting your relationship with them.  There are a variety of them to match nearly every imaginable situation and relationship, so you don't have to agonize over trying to write the perfect letter. 

Conceive It, Then Achieve It

Would you like more listings?  Let's face it – you need them, whether you care to admit because the more you have, the more money you'll make. On the other hand, the fewer you have, the less you’ll make.

So, imagine having 15-20 new listings and just sold signs with your name on them dotted throughout your community... and what that can do for your business!

At a minimum, it will give you near-instant credibility as an agent worthy of doing business with.  It will also generate even more potential listings and sales. 

So, treat yourself to the success you deserve by mailing real estate marketing letters... and if not these below, then some other letters of your choice!

Expired Listing LettersExpired Listing Letters
FSBO LettersFSBO Letters
Power Real Estate LettersPower Real Estate Letters

Everybody likes doing business with a winner, and Good Real Estate Marketing Letters can help you become one.  

Check out "Real Estate Letters; Low Cost, High Profitability," an article about the advantages of using Real Estate Letters.

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