Real Estate Internet Marketing -
Getting Listings & Making Sales

real estate internet marketing

Real Estate Internet Marketing is Big Business... and it's getting bigger as buyers and sellers increasingly go online to transact what was once exclusively reserved for offline transactions. They're auctioning properties, negotiating and signing lease agreements, and researching information on buying and selling real estate.

And although Real Estate Internet Marketing is a little too cutting edge for some agents, Realtors who have fully embraced the strategy are waging successful online marketing campaigns...

and are dominating their markets with leads, listings, and sales!

Are you ready for another next level of success?  Then continue reading to learn more about opportunities ahead of you.

Affordably Effective, Real Estate Internet Marketing Is Within Your Reach 

Email Marketing is pretty cheap! It costs little money to get started and sustain it. Think of it as what you might pay for a good lunch once a month - it might cost that much!  Plus, your marketing messages can be delivered instantly and automatically!

How? With autoresponders!  Autoresponders are follow-up email marketing systems that automatically enroll prospects into your email system and deliver information to them 24/7, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

I've been using them since 2004 and have approximately 3,000 subscribers in my database, with the high being as high as 3800.

Real Estate Internet Marketing is More Than Just an Interesting Phenomenon... it's here to stay!

While most agents know about email marketing autoresponders, many still haven't learned how to harness their lead generation powers that convert leads to buyers and sellers.  And it's even sadder because they're easy to learn how to use, and they work like crazy! 

real estate internet marketing strategy

Free Versus Paid Real Estate
Internet Marketing Autoresponders

Free autoresponder programs and services are plentiful but often come loaded with ads you have no control over. Consequently, users end up looking amateurish, an impression you cannot afford when trying to list and sell million-dollar homes. Still, you can start with a "free trial" subscription to try it out and get the hang of it.

And then there are paid relatively inexpensive services, costing approximately $15.00 - $40.00 a month. Here's the autoresponder company I use. Again...I’ve been using it since 2004 and can recommend them without hesitation.

The main goal of an auto responder is to automate the delivery of follow-up email messages to prospects and clients so that you can build relationships with them through a series of messages. The more follow-up you have with your prospects, the more leads and listings you'll get...and sales you'll make.

Plus, you’ll be able to increase the number of prospects you market to, as autoresponders will tirelessly deliver one message after another while simultaneously adding or deleting prospects from your email system without any additional work from you after you set them up.

However, loading your autoresponders with helpful information your clients can’t wait to get a hold of is essential. That's the business; the more information you provide, the more successful your email marketing efforts will be.

Collecting Email Addresses; collecting email addresses is a great way to generate leads, too...and is easier to do than you might think. People on the web are used to providing their email addresses in exchange for information they're interested in. So, in most cases, if you ask for an email address in exchange for the information you'll provide, people won't usually mind giving it to you.

The best way to generate leads is through an autoresponder, which enterprising Internet Marketing Realtors use in many different ways! For example, they offer “Home Buying & Financing Reports” to Buyers, information on “How To Sell Your Home Fast For Top Dollar” for Sellers, and “Best Real Estate Investment Buys” type reports for Investors – all on autopilot. Check out these prewritten reports if you need some.

Summarily, although some Real Estate Internet Marketing Realtors are still trail blazing ways to use the Internet to market homes, there are still opportunities for non-users to begin using them to generate leads and convert them to paying customers. 

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