Sample Real Estate Marketing Report Number 1

sample real estate marketing report number 1

Sample Real Estate Marketing Report Number 1. Would you like some help to create engaging content to attract potential buyers and sellers for your real estate business? Look no further! Content marketing is the way to go, and we have just the solution for you. Our prewritten content, like the sample article below, is crafted to captivate your readers and convert them into loyal clients. With over 275 articles, you can use them for your websites, blogs, email marketing campaigns, newsletters, as letters, special reports and much more. Say goodbye to the hassle of creating content from scratch and let our proven content marketing strategy take your real estate business to new heights! Here's the article!

Ten No-Nos For a Home Buyer! 

There are several things that should be avoided before purchasing a home.  If you aren't careful to avoid these common mistakes, it is possible that your "closing", which refers to the final step in the home buying process where the property is legally transferred to you, may be delayed or even canceled. 

Your adherence to the following rules will quickly put the house's keys in your hands.

One. Before closing, don't damage your debt-to-income ratio by making a significant purchase, such as a luxury car or an expensive vacation.  You might have to wait to own a home if you can't live without that brand-new BMW. 

The bank could quickly determine that your sky-high car payment would hinder your ability to pay your mortgage.  Wait until after you get the house to do some spending. 

No one expects a new house full of furniture and a sports car in the driveway unless you are a famous sports figure or high-profile celebrity.

Two. Job stability is key. Lenders prefer consistency rather than frequent job changes. If you're unhappy with your current job, consider switching to a similar position within the same field. Or, you can hold on until you've secured the house and then start exploring other opportunities—just not a complete career change.    

Three. Never surrender your earnest money to a For Sale by Owner Seller.  Nothing stops the sellers from spending the money before the transaction goes through.  If the deal should fall through, the buyers would have to fight tooth and nail to get that deposit back. 

You can easily find an attorney who is willing to hold the deposit for you until the transaction is finalized. Your deposit will be safe with them. You can also put it in a trust account. But whatever you do with it, it's important that your contract clearly states what will happen to the deposit if the transaction falls through.

Four. Never let emotions guide you.  Stay practical and realistic during the home-buying process.  Some sellers are willing to fix some of the problems with the home, and others may not be as willing.  Don't let that refusal close the door to your dream home.  Conversely, it would be best if you didn't let your loyalty to the home blind you to costly repairs down the road.  You certainly don't want to be in a money pit.

Five. Remember to have the utilities activated.  The utility companies might need a few days to switch the service.  Don't forget to cancel the service at the old residence.  That seems simple enough, yet many people forget that step entirely.

Six. Another costly mistake might be forgetting to secure hazard insurance.  Talk to your insurance company right away because the lender will want to see proof of coverage for the new home at closing.  Failing to line up the insurance will lead to delays in closing.

Seven. Please don't be too personal with the seller.  After all, this is a business transaction, so it should be treated professionally.  If you get into too many personal discussions, you might say something the seller could take the wrong way.  You might have been joking about the ugly green carpet in the guest bedroom, but the seller might have taken that as offensive.  In the end, it could hurt the dynamics of the transaction.  It would be best if you were friendly but professional.

Eight. If the appraisal comes in too low, please don't worry.  There are several solutions to this dilemma.  The seller might be willing to come down on the price of the home.  Buyers can put more money down if they are committed to that home.  The buyer and seller can negotiate the deal, or the appraisal can be disputed.

Nine. Remember to use your agent.  It is the agent's job to keep up with the daily details of the deal, including the lender, the seller, and the seller's agent.  Your agent is also responsible for setting up a final walk-through before closing.

Ten. Lastly, remember to take care of your end of the deal.  You must be on the same page as the lender.  Please provide them with the paperwork they need and answer their questions promptly.  Failure to do so will keep you from opening the front door of your new home.

These are some of the most common mistakes home buyers make.  Educating yourself about the process will ensure a smoother transaction and a definite housewarming party.


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