Missed Credit Card Payment

Missed Credit Card Payment

Hey there! So you missed a credit card payment - a situation that can happen to many of us. However, it's essential to understand that carrying a balance from month to month can lead to missed payments, resulting in penalty fees, increased interest rates, and other consequences like a lower credit rating. A lower credit rating can affect your ability to get new loans, rent an apartment, or even get a job. These are serious outcomes that we should all strive to avoid.

Regardless of the reason for missing a payment, be it a legitimate need for more money, a late payment, or simply forgetting, it's vital to act promptly. The first thing you should do is take control of the situation by contacting the credit card company right away, and when you do ...

Beg For Forgiveness

That's right—make a humble request! When you get a credit card company representative on the phone, express your sincere apologies. Don't panic; stay calm and make it clear that you're very sorry to whoever you get through to. Above all, be honest. If you forgot to pay, tell them, and if you didn't have the money, say that, too.

Usually, credit card companies are lenient unless you act like a jerk. The sensible ones want to keep you paying interest to them as long as they can get you to. So, it's not in their best interest to punish you. Be sure to express your appreciation when they let you off and tell them it won't happen again. Also, during this conversation, never become angry or frustrated, as you are the one who broke the terms of the contract.

If a company won't let you off by waiving the late fees and not penalizing you by increasing the rate on the card, tell them you'll transfer the balance to another card and close the account. To do this, you'll need to apply for a new credit card with a balance transfer option, and once approved, you can request the new card issuer to transfer the balance from your old card. But tell them this only if you are capable and willing to do it. This can be a powerful negotiation tactic, as it shows the company that you are serious about resolving the issue and are willing to take your business elsewhere if necessary.

Transferring your entire balance to another card can be a strategic move. It can make the original company sit up, take notice, and start making you better offers than you ever got before. This can include lower interest rates, waived fees, or other perks to help you pay off your balance more quickly and with less financial strain.

Plead For The Late Payment to Not be Put on Your Credit Report

Do everything you can to persuade the company not to add your late payment to your credit report, at least if you want to apply for any credit in the next few years. Remember that any late payment could be a black mark against your name for up to ten years. A 'black mark' in this context refers to a negative entry on your credit report, which can significantly lower your credit score and make it harder to get approved for new credit.

Ask to speak to the person's supervisor if they're unwilling and to their supervisor until you get what you want respectfully so while expressing your appreciation for what they are willing to do and have done.

If you fail, don't worry too much. As long as there's only one late payment, it isn't life or death, especially once a year or so has passed. The people who consistently pay late get truly terrible credit ratings. So, take a deep breath and remember, it's not the end of the world.

Use This as a Lesson and Mail Your Payments Early

Here's the bottom line: It's just poor practice to wait until the day before the deadline to make your credit card payment, as too many things can go wrong. In a more general view, never let your bills pile up on you, as letting them sit only increases the possibility that they will not be paid.

I'm a terrible bill payer, so I've scheduled my bills to be paid automatically from my checking account without me ever having to do anything else. They are paid on time every month. I just set the date and amount of the payments and forget about it, and wallah—I haven't had a missed credit card payment in years.

Especially written for real estate industry professionals

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