Getting Real Estate Leads via Newspaper Ads Is Still an Effective Lead Generator

Admittedly, Getting Real Estate Leads via Newspaper Ads is "old school." However, it's still a staple of veteran real estate professionals because it's a convenient source of leads and so doggone effective promotin your brn d, product and services. Is there anything easier than running an ad and capturing readers' contact information for lead conversion?  

Real Estate Leads via Newspaper Ads

But you have to ask; since few direct sales result from running ads, is it worth it? Agents dole out hundreds and thousands of dollars in newspaper ads not because the  ads successfully sell the properties being advertised, but because of it's effectiveness in generating and capturing real estate buyer and seller leads for other properties! 

Real Estate Seller Leads

Many home sellers who look at newspaper ads use them to decide who they'll list their properties with. The ads create an impression to home sellers that the real estate companies with the most or best-looking ones will do a great job selling their homes. Usually, the more prominent companies put up the most ads. You've seen them - big glossy spreads that, if you were, to be honest about it, made you just a little envious that it wasn't your ad!

These large real estate companies also have an extensive inventory of houses which they put out in wide, two-page ads. This process assures home sellers who require that their homes be advertised will receive the most exposure.

But as an agent, you know that your office may have more houses in its inventory. So, the number of times a particular listing will be advertised is a matter of luck and timing. Still, you can drive leads into your funnel by directing responses to your lead capture systems.

Buyer Leads & Self Promotion

According to a survey profile of Home Buyers and Home Sellers, only five percent of people who look for homes in newspaper ads make a purchase. By contrast, a whopping fifty-three percent of buyers start their search in newspapers and magazines.

But the most crucial reason newspaper ads are used so much for snagging real estate leads is that agents use this avenue as an effective means of self-promotion. The idea is that the more their names are exposed and the more it gets to be familiar to readers, the more likely that home sellers will come and get them when they are thinking of putting up their homes for selling. This is a very subtle yet effective form of branding.

Autoresonders and Email Marketing

Now that we've discussed how newspaper ads don't sell listings, let's discuss how sequential autoresponders do! Nowadays, almost everyone is familiar with autoresponders, although many still don't know the power inherent in them. 

An autoresponder can help your list of clients grow and even send each of them their personalized email message. An example is to run a newspaper ad targeting FSBOs, offering a FREE Ecourse on the pros and cons of selling FSBO versus listing with a Realtor. And as you know, most FSBOs ultimately list with a Realtor!

Although some prospects will transact business with agents after one or two emails, most people require about seven or eight emails before they act. 

Autoresponders can help you there, as they will do all of the emailing for you. You don't have to keep sending manual emails or anything like that. All you need to do is set up the email address, type in your preset message, and send it as many times as you like.

It's even easier when you use prewritten real estate marketing reports to market your messages. Decide which ones you want to use, personalize them with your personal contact information and let them rip! They are a great way to capitalize on newspaper ads in a way that most agents need to think about!

Real Estate Lead Generation and
Autoresponers Go Hand In Hand

Research has shown that personalized email from autoresponders is a great way to boost your business. When you send a customized email to one of your clients, the autoresponder can address them by name – which always makes a customer notice. While you could do this using traditional email, it could take a few hours if you have a long list of customers.

Autoresponders make sending personalized emails a snap. All you need to do is set up your email template, then select where you like the name to go. You can add everyone in your customer list to the autoresponder, which makes sending emails a snap. Once you have everything ready, you only need to send emails with one simple click. Best of all – you don't have to set it up again when sending messages.

Through the use of autoresponders, you can boost your business. If you're doing any email or Internet marketing, it will prove invaluable. You can spend less time sending messages – and more time doing what you enjoy.


In conclusion, generating real estate leads via newspaper ads continues to be an effective lead generator for real estate professionals. They serve as a convenient source of leads, attracting sellers and buyers. For sellers, newspaper ads create an impression of credibility and exposure, making it more likely for them to choose the real estate companies with prominent and appealing ads.

Similarly, buyers often turn to newspaper ads as a starting point in their search for properties. While the percentage of buyers who purchase directly from newspaper ads is relatively small, the widespread readership increases agents' self-promotion and branding efforts.

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That's it for now! Here's To Your Real Estate Marketing Success!

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