Sample Power Real Estate Letter
with Matching Followup Report 

Sample Power Letter for First Time Home Buyers

Below is a Sample Power Real Estate Letter, one of fifty letters in our Power Letters Set. Each letter has a corresponding Article Report to follow up on the initial letter. This one is written to buyers!

The article reports, freebies that you give away to attract leads, are lead magnets. They aim to induce recipients of your letters to submit their contact information in exchange for the "freebie" information you're offering. 

The sample letter and article/report combo below are specific to buyers: first-time, move-up, and step-down. However, with the complete set, you can target farm areas, sellers, buyers, empty nesters, apartment dwellers, investors, and the like.

Here's The Letter

Buying a Home Sample Power Real Estate Letter

Ms. Home Buyer
1918 South Lake Road
Your town, PA 11111

Re: Buying Your First Home Home

Dear Ms. Home Buyer,

Buying a home represents the most significant financial decision you may ever make. Consequently, there are definite pitfalls to avoid, whether it's your first home or where you'll spend your senior years. Either way, there are suggested steps to help you make the right decisions.

For example, one of the first mistakes people make is not getting pre-approved or pre-qualified by a bank or lending institution before beginning their search for a home.

Sellers and their agents are often skeptical of a prospective buyer's ability to obtain a mortgage loan when the buyer has yet to be pre-qualified.

So, when choosing between two comparable offers or contemplating countering a buyer's offer, a seller will always look more favorably upon the pre-qualified buyer.

Employing the services of a Realtor makes excellent sense since navigating through the home purchase process is complex and fraught with financial dangers.

However, as the buyer, you should have a Realtor, too! One who will be fully committed to representing you with your best interests in mind.

I am one such agent. I am available 24/7 and can be reached via the numbers listed below.

Want a Copy of My Ten Tips For The First-Time Home Buyer and receive it immediately!

In closing, please call Today For a FREE, Confidential Consultation to Find out How Much House You Can Afford!

I am looking forward to speaking with you soon!


Your Name

333-333-3333 cell
333-333-3333 home

Here's an Excerpt from The Matching Article Report To Follow-up The Letter

Ten Tips For The First Time Home Buyer

Buying your first home is one of the most exciting things you will ever do. If you have spent years living in apartments, nothing is more satisfying than owning a home. However, the process can be lengthy, and you might hit a few bumps on the road to homeownership. The following tips can help first-time homeowners avoid some of the hiccups.

One. It would be best to talk to a real estate agent about the home-buying process - one who will agree to meet with you about the basics without signing a sales agreement. If you need help finding a good one, consider talking to a loan officer at your bank or a mortgage broker.

Two. An equally important tip is to get your finances in order before you apply for a mortgage. Order a copy of your credit report to check it for accuracy, as mistakes are common.

You have the right to dispute errors on your credit report. If you encounter something you know is an error, please circle it and send it to the reporting agency along with a dispute letter.

Three. Next, you should study the mortgage industry. You'll need to be able to find the right loan and lender best for you.

Familiarize yourself with industry terms like debt-to-income ratio and adjustable-rate mortgages. Learn the difference between pre-approval and pre-qualified.

It will all seem foreign at first, but taking the time to learn the business will spare you from headaches in the future. You can see more sample real estate letters here!

Summarily, most agents spend the earliest part of their career wondering what to do to generate leads. Some end up doing the worst thing possible - "nothing."

They gravitate from one idea to another, never sticking with any one thing long enough to perfect it before moving to the next idea that captures their attention.

Others evolve professionally and discover that mailing Real Estate Letters is an effective lead-generating strategy. One that can help them get their career on track and establish a rock-solid foundation that will last long into the future. Show me a successful agent, and I'll show you the one who engages in letter-writing campaigns regularly!

And while mailing letters can sometimes generate immediate results, letter-writing campaigns are more likely to set you up for intermediate and sustainable long-term success. I hope the Sample Power Real Estate Letter with Matching Report was helpful.

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Here's to your continued real estate marketing success!

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